Click HERE for the Portland Foundation grant application!
Applying for Grants
The Portland Foundation encourages requests from any new or existing charitable organization or community agency in Jay County. Grant proposals must have direct relevance to Jay County charitable needs.
Areas the Foundation wants to support are:
Start-up costs for new programs
One-time projects or needs
Capital needs beyond an applicant organization’s capabilities and means
Generally, the Foundation does not support:
Individuals, other than scholarships
Religious or sectarian purposes
Make-up of operating deficits, post-event or after-the-fact situations
Endowment campaigns
Propaganda, political or otherwise, attempting to influence legislation or intervene in any political affairs or campaigns.
Requests are reviewed and voted on twice a year. Deadline dates are typically in January and June and are announced in the local media.
Applying for Scholarships
Click HERE for The Portland Foundation Scholarship application
Students from across Jay County are given the opportunity to learn at an institution of higher education through scholarship funds established at The Portland Foundation by generous donors. Applications for Jay County High School seniors are due annually in February. The Foundation also offers a limited number of scholarships to current college students. Applications for summer scholarships are due each June.
Distribution Totals
With total assets exceeding $48 million, the Foundation awards grants and scholarships annually, and has distributed over $21 million since 1951. Contributions made to the Jay County community include: